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Gram-negative bacteria are intrinsically resistant to many antibiotics due to their outer membrane barrier. Although the outer membrane has been studied for decades, there is much to uncover about the biology and permeability of this complex structure. Investigating synthetic genetic interactions can reveal a great deal of information about genetic function and pathway interconnectivity. Here, we performed synthetic genetic arrays (SGAs) in Escherichia coli by crossing a subset of gene deletion strains implicated in outer membrane permeability with nonessential gene and small RNA (sRNA) deletion collections. Some 155,400 double-deletion strains were grown on rich microbiological medium with and without subinhibitory concentrations of two antibiotics excluded by the outer membrane, vancomycin and rifampin, to probe both genetic interactions and permeability. The genetic interactions of interest were synthetic sick or lethal (SSL) gene deletions that were detrimental to the cell in combination but had a negligible impact on viability individually. On average, there were ∼30, ∼36, and ∼40 SSL interactions per gene under no-drug, rifampin, and vancomycin conditions, respectively; however, many of these involved frequent interactors. Our data sets have been compiled into an interactive database called the Outer Membrane Interaction (OMI) Explorer, where genetic interactions can be searched, visualized across the genome, compared between conditions, and enriched for gene ontology (GO) terms. A set of SSL interactions revealed connectivity and permeability links between enterobacterial common antigen (ECA) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of the outer membrane. This data set provides a novel platform to generate hypotheses about outer membrane biology and permeability.

Authors: Klobucar K, French S, Côté JP, Howes JR, Brown ED.

Reference: mBio. 2020 Mar 10; doi: 10.1128/mBio.00161-20